Hand of God 27 bones, my date of birth
I took my nieces to play, and all of the sudden this image formed, later I learned that it is called Onchoprisits, existed 66 millions years ago, family of skates or Rays!
Marcos 4:22 Porque nada hay oculto si no es para ser manifestado, ni nada secreto si no es para salir a la luz.
Oct 24/2024 Super Moon
Lucas 10/27 Mi fecha de Nacimmiento!
Existed 66 millions years ago, family of skates or Rays!
Cross, Crown and Feather, Cuba
Iba al aeropuerto de Cienfuegos a Santa Clara, y observo algo como humo. Tomo el celular y hago una foto.
Estaba muy oscuro y el automóvil circulaba por la autopista. Cuando el conductor y yo observamos la foto, nos quedamos boquiabiertos.
¡Había una puerta! Jesus Cristo es la PUERTA
I was going to the airport from Cienfuegos to Santa Clara, and I observe some smoke. I take the cellular phone and take a picture.
It was pitch black and the car was moving in the highway. When the driver and I observed the picture, we were speechless.
There was a door! Christ Jesus is the door! John 10:9
Fish and Cross formed when I stopped for gas
Haz una Pausa.
Times are changing; we are evolving; most of us think we have all the answers.
We are more intelligent, have our world, and create.
We all must know and acknowledge our Heavenly Father, Christ, and the Spirit in all our works because we would not be here without them.
It is the same thing that having respect for our Terrestrial Father. He loves us All, but many have forgotten about Him and even doubt His existence.
He wants the Blind to See and the Deaf to Hear.
Please take a pause and reconnect with the real you from within. Exercise Spiritual practices and pray to God. He is there waiting for you.
Peace Profound
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